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Object-Hash Mapping for Redis

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Calling collection attribute is returning string instead of collection

barberj opened this issue · comments

NoMethodError: undefined method `each_slice' for "123276":String

class SomeClass < Ohm::Model
collection :children, :SomeClass, :parent

x = { |c| }

Running in a multithreaded environment under sidekiq. Having troubles reproducing locally.

From lib/ohm.rb

 113   module Collection
 114     include Enumerable
 116     def each
 117       if block_given?
 118         ids.each_slice(1000) do |slice|
 119           fetch(slice).each { |e| yield(e) }
 120         end
 121       else
 122         to_enum
 123       end
 124     end

I can't reproduce it either, can you let me know as soon as you find something? If it's a bug with Ohm or Redis, we definitely need to fix it. Can you show a bit more how you are combining everything?

I've updated to do a to_a and then iterate and see if that helps. I never expect more the 4 children so i'm not buying anything by the each_slice. {|c| ... }

didn't help...

NoMethodError: undefined method each' for "214240":String`

where would i find ids being passed/generated? The ids i pointed to earlier was for list type. I'm not seeing in the source for the meta type collection how ids is compiled.

It's the one defined in Ohm::BasicSet, check it here.

thanks, just saw that. Long day.

so i have gotten around it at the moment by monkey patching the ids method to use redis-rb to call smembers and all seems to be going well now. I'm not happy with this hack, but i need to get this resolved so it is what it is at the moment.

Locally im running a mac on ruby 2.0, ohm 2.0.1 no issues. Production is ubuntu.

also was getting alot of these ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash. Found this We are running latest redis libraries, so didn't apply, but maybe redic is having similar connection issues.

Can you tell me more or less how is your setup? I'm very interested in replicating that error.

@barberj Could it be related to this issue? redis/redis-rb#501

Which Ruby version are you running in prod?

ruby 2.0. I ended up rolling my own home grown redis models since could never get ohm to work.

Can you share some piece of code so that I can try to reproduce it?

Closing this as we don't have a way to replicate the issue.