soveran / cuba

Rum based microframework for web development.

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Cuba::Render layouts not working

lachholden opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm having trouble using render from Cuba::Render - I get a LocalJumpError "no block given (yield)".
My setup is as follows:

# app.rb
require 'cuba'
require 'cuba/render'
require 'haml'
require 'tilt/haml'

Cuba.plugin Cuba::Render
Cuba.settings[:render][:template_engine] = 'haml'

Cuba.define do
  on root do
    render 'dashboard'
-# views/layout.haml
    %title Title
    = yield
-# views/dashboard.haml
%h1 Dashboard

Accessing the root page gives the LocalJumpError as above.

@lachy-xe instead of = yield try using = content.

Cuba::Render works a bit differently from Rails and Sinatra in the way it deals with the layout. The above should work.

@lachy-xe Were you able to make it work with what @kitop explained? I'm closing this issue, but feel free to keep commenting if you need help.