sourcegraph / sg.nvim

Experimental Sourcegraph + Cody plugin for Neovim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Switch deprecated 'filePath' property to 'uri'

steveyegge opened this issue · comments

The ProtocolTextDocument used in the agent protocol has renamed the filePath field to uri and deprecated filePath.

I've updated JetBrains and Emacs to use 'uri', and we need to update Neovim as well. Here are the spots it appears:

lua/tests/cody_lifecycle_spec.lua:47 assert(string.find(opened.params.filePath, ""), "Did not send correct filename")
lua/tests/cody_lifecycle_spec.lua:62 assert(string.find(deleted.params.filePath, ""), "Did not close correct filename")
lua/tests/cody_lifecycle_spec.lua:74 and string.find(msg.params.filePath, "Cargo.toml")
lua/tests/cody_lifecycle_spec.lua:84 and string.find(msg.params.filePath, "Cargo.toml")
lua/tests/cody_lifecycle_spec.lua:91 string.find(changed.params.filePath, "Cargo.toml"),
lua/sg/cody/protocol.lua:35 filePath = name,
lua/sg/cody/protocol.lua:96 if not doc.filePath then
lua/sg/cody/rpc.lua:462 { filePath = file, position = { line = line, character = character } },
lua/sg/private/find_artifact.lua:7 local artifact_file = require("plenary.debug_utils").sourced_filepath()
lua/sg/private/data.lua:40 local plugin_file = require("plenary.debug_utils").sourced_filepath()
lua/sg/types.lua:78 ---@field filePath string
lua/sg/types.lua:183 filePath: string