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Panic: send on closed channel

chicknsoup opened this issue · comments

This happens randomly when using conc Pool (pool.New()).

panic: send on closed channel

goroutine 17805 [running]:
config-rd/vendor/*Pool).Go(0xc0005c2000, 0xc0a551e558)
E:/go/src/config-rd/vendor/ +0x113
main.doGGSN(0xc0e964b688?, 0x1)
E:/go/src/config-rd/parser.go:63 +0xfd8
main.main.func3.1({{0xc031bbafc0, 0x10}, {0xc031bbafd0, 0x4}, {0xc03c3b36e0, 0x1a}, 0x1, 0x0, {0x0, 0x0}, ...})
E:/go/src/config-rd/main.go:375 +0x1c5

Hi @chicknsoup, this can happen if you call Go() after calling Wait(). We could likely make this error condition more clear though

Hi @chicknsoup, this can happen if you call Go() after calling Wait(). We could likely make this error condition more clear though

So if I'm trying to reuse the pool, it may panic? Sample pseudo code:


for {

for i:=range y{

Hi @chicknsoup, I thought about this more and I agree that pools should not panic on reuse. In particular, sync.WaitGroup works fine on reuse, and pool's behavior should model that. I've opened #108 to fix this issue

@camdencheek Any idea when this feature will get release?