soundcloud / lhm

Online MySQL schema migrations

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Any release coming that includes the slave_lag throttler?

notnmeyer opened this issue · comments

Hi! Are there any plans for a new versioned release that includes the slave_lag throttler that's currently in Master?

@notnmeyer we are in process of make it a little better . and we are also testing it in Shopify. as soon as we have it 100% working. I will let you know, and release a beta version of LHM
cc @camilo @jordanwheeler

For the final 3.0.0 release, are there any issues or other work the community can help with? Tagging or adding issues with the 3.0.0 milestone or adding 'needs review/help/comments' labels to issues can help focus efforts. Thanks!

@arthurnn working nicely here :shipit:

is it? awesome..
Are you using only the slave lag delay ? I was wondering that we will need a way to combine that one with the time one.

IIRC just slave lag @jordanwheeler will know fo sho

i'm no longer using this. feel free to reopen if it's useful for tracking or something.