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Source code of the article "Non Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transort Sampling" published at Eurographics 2024, authors : Baptiste GENEST, Nicolas COURTY, David COEURJOLLY

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Non Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling

Source code of the article:

Genest, Baptiste, Nicolas Courty, and David Coeurjolly. "Non-Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling", Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), April, 2024

Capture d’écran 2024-04-10 à 08 37 32

Here are the instructions to generate blue noise samples on the sphere and hyperbolic spaces in any dimensions or to sample meshes of genus 0 (see spherical sampling) or genus >= 2 (see local hyperbolic sampling)

Note that we use CLI11 to provide a clear command line API, you can use --help on any executable to see all available options.

Ref :

Building (Linux/macOS)

We use CMake, hence the usual building commands are required

from root folder :

mkdir build 
cd build
cmake ..
make -j7


If you want to see the effects of each parameter or simply to see the algorithm in action you can use the option :


to enable visualization with polyscope :

Blue Noise on the sphere or on the hyperbolic plane

To generate blue noise points on the sphere in dimension 3, a classical use-case would be

./spherical_bluenoise --dim 3 --sample_size 1000 

The process is the same for the hyperbolic case with the exe.

Note that you can sample any distribution by providing samples with the option --target_measure nu.pts

Spherical Mesh Sampling

CEPS Modification

We use CEPS ( to maps a genus zero mesh to the sphere, To generate and output the spherical mesh, you must replace the file CEPS/src/SphericalUniformization/SphericalUniformization.cpp by this_folder/SphericalUniformization.cpp before compiling and then launch :

CEPS_BUILD_FILE/bin/spherical_uniformize input_mesh.obj

to generate the mesh.

To then sample a mesh, use

./spherical_mesh_sampling --input_mesh ../data/bunny.obj --sphere_mesh data/spherical-bunny.obj --sample_size 1000

Local Hyperbolic Mesh Sampling

./local_hyperbolic_mesh_sampling --input_mesh ../data/macaca.obj --sample_size 1000

Visualizing results

./vizu_pc --input_mesh ../data/macaca.obj --input_points /tmp/out.pts

Projective Plane Sampling

The code here only illustrates visually its use but one could export points clouds in the same way as illustrated in the code of spherical_bluenoise.cpp for instance.


Source code of the article "Non Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transort Sampling" published at Eurographics 2024, authors : Baptiste GENEST, Nicolas COURTY, David COEURJOLLY


Language:C++ 96.0%Language:CMake 3.8%Language:C 0.2%