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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tab separated input files

panispani opened this issue · comments

I was following the "A simple example" article from the docs website (file: and spend some time figuring out why the example wasn't working locally for me. The reason was that I was using spaces in the input file (I even copied the example by my editor overrides tabs :) ). I was wondering whether adding in the article the detail that the input file should be "tab-separated" would be useful to other new people reading the docs.

With "wasn't working" I mean I was getting an error "Error loading data: Values missing in line 1; cannot parse fact file edge.facts!" which at that point didn't make sense to me, but now it does because I know that the parser probably looks for a tab separator.

Thanks for this feedback. We will work on it!

I updated the sample to use tabs, and mentioned that it was tab-separated in the description.