soroushmehr / sampleRNN_ICLR2017

SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model

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Training falled after 60000 iterations

qiuqiangkong opened this issue · comments

Hi, really brilliant code! when I run the pytorch implementation, I found the trianing and validation loss increases dramtically after 60000 iterations. The loss curve looks like:

Do you have any idea of this increased loss? Thank you very much!


Many thanks for the reply! I fixed out the problem. In the adam optimizer, I need to set this flag to true: amsgrad=True. Then it will fix this problem.

@qiuqiangkong Hi qiuqiang, I am using tensorflow to implement SampleRNN and Ive encountered the same problem, however I dont think in tf.train.adamoptimizer they have this amsgrad flag. Any idea how to troubleshoot this? Thanks in advance!

something like this

@zguo008 Interesting! I think keras has the amsgrad flag. Or try Rmsprop optimizer instead. I guess this phenomenon is caused by optimization. Let me know if you still not solve this problem.

Hi qiuqiang, thanks for your reply:) I’ll try RMSprop later. I tuned down value of epsilon in Adam optimizer and it seems that there’s no sudden increase in loss for now. Thank you for ur answer! It’s some great help

@zguo008 That is great! What epsilon are you using now?