sorah / envchain

Environment variables meet macOS Keychain and gnome-keyring <3

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execvp failed: No such file or directory

piotr-yuxuan opened this issue · comments


Thanks for you work :-) However, envchain sometimes fails unexcpetedly. For instance:

$ envchain ns eval "echo 1"
#=> execvp failed: No such file or directory

It fails for any namespace.

Because it doesn't use a shell. Your command line finds eval command from your $PATH.

You should do envchain ns sh -c 'echo 1' (or maybe bash -c) to run a shell instead.

Thanks, great! Actually I was much more trying to load an namespace at terminal bootstrap than echoing a number ^^

Your message lead me to find login -pfq Alice zsh -c "envchain ns zsh" can achieve so. Methinks .profile and .zshrcare read only once but I'd gladly welcome any further idea :-)

I have not tried to do so, and It doesn't resolve a issue that envchain targets, I do no recommend. envchain is to allow selecting secret environment variables for each commands to human.

I also have this error, when I try in a shell (zsh) to run a command having just set a namespace:

$ envchain my-ns-with-dashes aws ec2 describe-amis
execvp failed: No such file or directory

I have envchain 1.0.1 on macOS 10.12.

This would be different problem, but I strongly believe it have wrong configuration on your shell environment. At least I use namespace including dashes and experiencing no problem.

The error shows envchain couldn't find aws from your $PATH environment variable.

Thanks; you were right. Totally user error, it wasn't installed.