sopel-irc / sopel-letterboxd

Letterboxd plugin for Sopel IRC bots

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Private Beta

RustyBower opened this issue · comments

Looks like the Letterboxd API is still in private beta. We'll revisit this if/when they respond to my email.

cc @PanderMusubi


It's not encouraging that the Ruby API client readme, to which the Python client refers, says that the API is in private beta as of mid-2017… and the Python client was last updated in 2018?


@dgw perhaps here is a library to use:


Hmm, @RustyBower I don't suppose you ever got an answer?

letterboxdpy doesn't look bad, but it doesn't have search and requires users to enter the exact title as it appears in the Letterboxd page URL. Not really ideal.

We can all resubmit the question at Letterboxd.

Hmm, @RustyBower I don't suppose you ever got an answer?

letterboxdpy doesn't look bad, but it doesn't have search and requires users to enter the exact title as it appears in the Letterboxd page URL. Not really ideal.

Well it is a start for movies with easy titles like Jaws.

Any specific question we can ask letterboxd? Just search or also search wild cards?


Any specific question we can ask letterboxd?

If they aren't replying to inquiries about forward progress on the API, it doesn't matter what question you ask. But it looks like the relevant endpoints (chiefly GET /search and GET /film/{id}) don't require an access token. It's just going to be 1) hard to develop a plugin without any API access for testing, and 2) hard for users to actually use the plugin if API keys aren't being issued. was last updated approximately 2 years ago, but is probably the best client to plan on using if Letterboxd ever makes it possible. I'm sure no one wants to implement request-signing from scratch if we can avoid it. 😉 That package already implements .film(film_id) and .search(search_request) methods, which will be the bread and butter of this plugin.