sonik8494 / car_price_prediction

A Machine Learning Regression problem to predict the price of the used cars with deployment on Heroku and cloud platforms like AWS,GCP and Azure.

Repository from Github https://github.comsonik8494/car_price_predictionRepository from Github https://github.comsonik8494/car_price_prediction


Car Price Prediction App

Selling and buying of used cars is a huge market. The price of the used car depends on a lot of factors like kms driven, year of manufacture, number of previous owners, transmission type, fuel type, brand of the car and many more. The sellers are especially unaware of an appropriate price of their car. The entire purpose of our problem statement is to analyze the data of the car creating a machine learning model to predict the price of the used car. Finaly after creating the ML model, we create a flask app which hosted on Heroku platform where a user can check the price of their respective car.

Screenshot from 2021-03-13 21-58-53


A Machine Learning Regression problem to predict the price of the used cars with deployment on Heroku and cloud platforms like AWS,GCP and Azure.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.7%Language:Python 2.5%Language:HTML 1.7%