sonicoder86 / angular2-babel-esnext-starter

Angular development and testing examples with Babel in Javascript (ES6/ES7).

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App does not load in browser

FirstOfMany opened this issue · comments

I am trying to install this, but the app fails to load in the browser. I am including a print screen below that shows the FireFox console reporting it was not able to find boot.css. What specific steps or changes do I need to make in order for the example app to successfully launch?

Per the instructions at the app's github page, I typed the following into the CentOS 7 terminal:

git clone
cd angular2-esnext-starter
npm install

gulp serve

The terminal then printed the following:

[user@localhost angular2-esnext-starter]$ gulp serve
[14:50:17] Using gulpfile ~/nodejs_apps/angular2-esnext-starter/gulpfile.js
[14:50:17] Starting 'serve'...
[14:50:17] Starting 'clean'...
[14:50:17] Finished 'clean' after 38 ms
[14:50:17] Starting 'client-build'...
[14:50:17] Starting 'client-copy'...
[14:50:17] Starting 'client-stylesheet'...
[14:50:17] Starting 'livereload'...
[14:50:17] Finished 'livereload' after 2.43 ms
[14:50:18] Finished 'client-stylesheet' after 808 ms
[14:50:19] Finished 'client-copy' after 1.61 s
[14:50:23] Finished 'client-build' after 5.94 s
[14:50:23] Starting 'server-start'...
[14:50:23] Finished 'server-start' after 1.36 ms
[14:50:23] Finished 'serve' after 5.98 s
[14:50:23] [nodemon] 1.9.2
[14:50:23] [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[14:50:23] [nodemon] watching: /home/user/nodejs_apps/angular2-esnext-starter/server/**/*
[14:50:23] [nodemon] starting `node server/index.js`
[14:50:24] [nodemon] Internal watch failed: watch /home/user/nodejs_apps/angular2-esnext-starter/server/config.js ENOSPC

And then I got the following in the browser:

I then confirmed the version of Node.js as follows:

[user@localhost angular2-esnext-starter]$ node --version

This problem was resolved by typing the following into the CentOS 7 terminal:

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p