song940 / node-escpos

🖨️ ESC/POS Printer driver for Node.js

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New release

yooouuri opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this package, but the release on npm is very outdated. 3.0.0-alpha.6 is released like 2 years ago.

Fixes like #388 are not released on npm.

@song940 yes, please release on npm repository

How to set up this project? I want to publish it by myself. 🧐

lerna bootstrap
lerna run build

And throw this error


for a temporary solution.

I forked the original escpos repository to my personal github like
@see escposYovanggaanandhika.
Change the my owncode.

and install it using the command

yarn add <git remote url>#<branch/commit/tag> installs a package from a remote git repository at specific git branch, git commit or git tag.
yarn add installs a package from a remote gzipped tarball. ````


for a temporary solution.

I forked the original escpos repository to my personal github like @see escposYovanggaanandhika. Change the my owncode.

and install it using the command

yarn add <git remote url>#<branch/commit/tag> installs a package from a remote git repository at specific git branch, git commit or git tag.
yarn add installs a package from a remote gzipped tarball. ````

Thanks for you reply, but how do you build it?

your compilation with typescript right ?
escpos-adapter packages are not supported now or bypass with @ts-ignore on top code like this

import * as Adapter from "escpos-adapter";

Your can add the fork escpos-adapter in your repository
and modification project sources code with your namespace in yarn or npm repository
with npm login & npm publish after your change package.json file.

then add a declaration file .d.ts if your use for typescript.

This project lacks maintenance, and I think I can refactor it using a newer technology stack. Such as pnpm workspace + ts. And improve the richer contribution document, so that people can easily join in.

The answer can't. unless you ask the owner of this project to grant access because you want to be part of the owner of this repository.

Send Pull Request with repository you own with technology the workspace pnpm + ts

as you want design

Send pull requests

So many updated PR are there but the package is not published into NPM. How are we gonna use the latest code without building?

Can give some guide on how to "convert" the code into npm version? Made some fix and seems need to build before can publish into npm compatible

Can give some guide on how to "convert" the code into npm version? Made some fix and seems need to build before can publish into npm compatible

  1. after your clone git with git clone <git-url>
    you can change name in package.json with your dependecies name for npm
    read this how to upload to npm

but you can't use the module name in this repository because you don't have access.

@YovanggaAnandhika I'm new to typescript and npm package. But I can see that the file structure at node_modules/escpos and the the file structure of this repo are not same. I made a fork and use this fork in my project, unable to work. That's why I wonder are the any intermediate steps to convert/compile the source code of this repo into the one similar that of the npm version.

I’m announcing the release of the ESC/POS driver! 🚀
It is a fork of this library with some improvements. Thanks to the original author. And I'll bring more improvements in the future. #412

PR welcome! 🎉