sonatype-nexus-community / nexus-repository-apt

A Nexus Repository 3 plugin that allows usage of apt repositories

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

apt-transport-* support for proxies

heini opened this issue · comments

Don't know whether or not this is already supported, so I file it as a feature request here.

Some external package repositories use https (or even tor) via apt-transport-https or apt-transport-tor to serve their packages. Do proxy repositories have support for getting packages from such external repositories, i.o.w. could I setup a proxy repository that caches packages from tor+http://vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian instead of

If not, could this be added, please?

This would be a lot of work to implement given that we don't use APT, so we'd have to implement all those protocols ourselves.

I don't think that this would be a good fit for what's supported in base Nexus (seems like Nexus core is pretty strongly HTTP oriented), but could in theory be implemented. I don't personally have any plan to implement such a thing, but PRs would be welcome.

This would take changes in Nexus Repository itself, as it uses Jetty to serve files, and HttpClient to do communication to remotes. I can't see it personally getting implemented any time soon, but filing an issue with the Nexus Repo project in JIRA would be a good first start.

I'm going to close this as out of scope since I don't think anyone has interest in working on this and the scope of work is quite large.