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Option to filter for recommended semester

MPeti1 opened this issue · comments

The course registration ("kurzusfelvétel") menu is always filled with a lot of courses that I might not want to see for now.
I think the main reason of it is 1) you see subjects for all semesters at once, including ones that you can't even apply to, and 2) there are always some subjects that appear more than once in the list

Would it be possible to make modifications to the subject list to mitigate these annoyances?

For the first one, I was thinking if an additional filter could be added to the existing ones, with a dropdown menu having all the options (semesters 1-6 + an option for those with no semester set). Though it can be a problem if as the user progresses through semesters they may totally forget about earlier subjects, so it might be better to always include earlier semesters and those with a recommendation set.
Also, it might be even better if completed subjects could be filtered out too.

For the second one, it might be wiser to know why are they duplicated before just filtering the dupes out. Do you (or anyone reading this) have information on this?

If this is a lot of work, tell me and maybe I could try to do these myself, I was recently experimenting with userscripts anyways.. :D

The subject list, if duplicated, the duplication is done by the responsible Study Administration (Tanulmányi Osztály) of your course. They are showing you the same(-ish? is the subject code the same, too?) subject from multiple angles, like multiple course groups (a feature that's used at some universities but not in others) or multiple languages you can take. For example, on my course, there never has been any duplication in the past 8 years.

"Semester 1-6" is a really restrictive option. It should be either an entry box, or the values gathered from the existing list. Some curricula are 10 or 12 semester long by design...

I have implemented a logic that colours and filters the "Register on exam" page. It does so by gathering the grade for the subject, checking if it is a passing one, marking the subject code (associated with that exam) as a "completed" and then throwing away all rows from the list that correspond to this subject code.

A similar method could be done here too, because Neptun explicitly puts a "Completed" tick mark in the rows of the subject registration for subjects you've already completed.

Unfortunately, I do not think there is a way to easily gather which is the duplicate, what subjects are equivalent, etc. Some universities fill these fields in the admin client, some don't. And even those that fill, they mess it up every time.

Have you suffered a new curriculum (tanterv) shift recently? That could be a reason for dupes if the SA office decided to show both the old and the new subject codes for everyone.

I know for a fact that the law faculty at ELTE (ÁJK) has some subjects duplicated, e.g. the "Évfolyamdolgozat" (mid-studies thesiswork). But even though it appears 11 (?) times, it is actually 11 different subjects, because the subject is purposefully duped once per department, as evident from the course code suffices (:RJ, :NMJ, :AJ, etc...)

They are showing you the same(-ish? is the subject code the same, too?) subject from multiple angles, like multiple course groups (a feature that's used at some universities but not in others) or multiple languages you can take. For example, on my course, there never has been any duplication in the past 8 years.

The code is usually the same, but the difference is mostly just that some of the duplicates doesn't have a course group name (which is otherwise always the same as the course name)

"Semester 1-6" is a really restrictive option. It should be either an entry box, or the values gathered from the existing list. Some curricula are 10 or 12 semester long by design...

That's true, I didn't think of that.

Have you suffered a new curriculum (tanterv) shift recently?

I don't think I did. My curricullum is still one from 2017.

Closing this due to lack of activity. It doesn't seem like this is a feature we could easily implement since what is or isn't duplication cannot be reliably defined.