solo-io / gloo

The Feature-rich, Kubernetes-native, Next-Generation API Gateway Built on Envoy

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Gloo + Istio integration 503

bewebi opened this issue · comments

Which tests failed?

Gloo + Istio integration tests Istio mTLS permissive peer auth when mtls is enabled for the upstream [It] should make a request with the expected cert header

Initial Investigation

Looks like pollution, with a previous test failing to clean up properly here

Deeper investigation needed

Additional Information

Logs here

Relevant section:

Fail handler msg Unexpected error:
    <*errors.withStack | 0xc000b82df8>: 
    [kubectl delete -n istio-system peerauthentication test] failed: Error from server (NotFound): "test" not found
    : exit status 1
        error: <*errors.withMessage | 0xc000c1b340>{
            cause: <*exec.ExitError | 0xc000c1b320>{
                ProcessState: {
                    pid: 52529,
                    status: 256,
                    rusage: {
                        Utime: {Sec: 0, Usec: 44791},
                        Stime: {Sec: 0, Usec: 20359},
                        Maxrss: 222676,
                        Ixrss: 0,
                        Idrss: 0,
                        Isrss: 0,
                        Minflt: 2092,
                        Majflt: 0,
                        Nswap: 0,
                        Inblock: 0,
                        Oublock: 0,
                        Msgsnd: 0,
                        Msgrcv: 0,
                        Nsignals: 0,
                        Nvcsw: 301,
                        Nivcsw: 29,
                Stderr: nil,
            msg: "[kubectl delete -n istio-system peerauthentication test] failed: Error from server (NotFound): \"test\" not found\n",
        stack: [0x62ed113, 0x62ec9cd, 0x62ec9a0, 0x690f9a5, 0x277b26f, 0x279a82c, 0x1fab561],
kube dump artifacts will be stored at: /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/_output/kube2e-artifacts
kube dump artifacts will be stored at: /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/_output/kube2e-artifacts/envoy-dump
Getting and storing envoy output for /config_dump path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:28:51 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/config_dump": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /stats path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:28:51 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/stats": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /clusters path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:28:51 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/clusters": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /listeners path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:28:51 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/listeners": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
S•Fail handler msg Timed out after 60.082s.
The function passed to Eventually failed at /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/test/kube2e/helper/curl.go:124 with:
    <*http.Response>: {
        Status:     <string>: ""
        StatusCode: <int>: 503
        Body:       <string>: "no healthy upstream"
to have HTTP status
    <int>: 200 

expected: {
  "StatusCode": 200,
  "Body": {
    "Substr": "\"X-Forwarded-Client-Cert\"",
    "Args": null
  "Headers": null,
  "Custom": null
kube dump artifacts will be stored at: /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/_output/kube2e-artifacts
kube dump artifacts will be stored at: /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/_output/kube2e-artifacts/envoy-dump
Getting and storing envoy output for /config_dump path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:29:59 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/config_dump": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /stats path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:30:00 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/stats": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /clusters path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:30:00 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/clusters": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000
Getting and storing envoy output for /listeners path on gloo-proxy-http.gloo-system proxy
2024/06/12 16:30:00 connecting to envoy failed with err Get "http://localhost:19000/listeners": dial tcp [::1]:19000: connect: connection refused
Forwarding from -> 19000
Forwarding from [::1]:19000 -> 19000
Handling connection for 19000

• [FAILED] [62.419 seconds]
Gloo + Istio integration tests Istio mTLS permissive peer auth when mtls is enabled for the upstream [It] should make a request with the expected cert header

  Timeline >>
  No resources found in gloo-system namespace.
  [FAILED] in [It] - /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/ @ 06/12/24 16:30:00.91
  << Timeline

  [FAILED] Timed out after 60.082s.
  The function passed to Eventually failed at /home/runner/work/gloo/gloo/test/kube2e/helper/curl.go:124 with:
      <*http.Response>: {
          Status:     <string>: ""
          StatusCode: <int>: 503
          Body:       <string>: "no healthy upstream"
  to have HTTP status
      <int>: 200 

  expected: {
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "Body": {
      "Substr": "\"X-Forwarded-Client-Cert\"",
      "Args": null
    "Headers": null,
    "Custom": null
  In [It] at: /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/ @ 06/12/24 16:30:00.91

Occurred on #9606