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Exercise 2 Task 1 Step 21

daronyondem opened this issue · comments

Issue extracted from #13

Exercise 2 task 1 step 21-Screenshot update
Select 1000 rows->100 rows



Exercise 2 Task 1 Step 21 does not have a screenshot. Can you double-check your report?

Sorry @daronyondem we just need to update the instruction to use 100 rows instead of 1000

Hi @srushti-714
I still don't see where 1000 is mentioned.


Here is the link to the latest on the revisions branch.

I need your "ok" for #9 to merge it.

The instruction of 1000 rows is in Bonus challenge step 2 under "To observe the data being written into the table:"

Isn't this already addressed in #17 ?

The issue #14 where we are having our discussion right now is about Exercise 2 Task 1 Step 21. When you see different issues I suggest you submit a new issue so that we can track them separately. Otherwise, I will have to move your messages and create new issues for you every time. I can do it, but it is not optimal for the sake of the discussion.


Sorry @daronyondem

When I commented the issue wasn't addressed in #17 yet .

Everything looks good

No problem ;) Let's try to keep issues separate to be able to manage them more effectively. Thanks for your help.

Addressed in latest round of updates.