Soledad89 / numbers

Handwritten digits, a bit like the MNIST dataset.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository tries to create a repository of handwritten digits, much like the MNIST database of handwritten digits. In Switzerland, the handwritten digites sometimes look a bit different, which is why we undertake this effort.

Our goal was 10,000 handwritten digits and we have met that goal! If you want to help us reach 20,000 handwritten digits, check out the tools directory.

Meta Data

The directory name of every contribution adheres to the following naming scheme:

  1. four digits to identify the person
  2. an underscore character
  3. two letter country code (ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codes) or XX if unknown (e.g. Switzerland is CH)
  4. age, rounded to the nearest decade (e.g. 35 to 44 years is 4)
  5. sex (M for man, F for woman, X for unknown, O for other)


Handwritten digits, a bit like the MNIST dataset.
