softwaremill / akka-http-session

Web & mobile client-side akka-http sessions, with optional JWT support

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akka-http-session can not be co-used with akka-cluster

epiphyllum opened this issue · comments


it can be always replayed when libraryDepenencies has akka-cluster and akka-http-session

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

Which version of akka, akka-cluster & akka-http-session?


akka 2.4.11 with akka-http-session 0.3.0

akka-http-session through akka-http version 10 has a transitive dependency to akka-actor 2.4.14. Maybe that causes akka-actor to be bumped to 2.4.14, but akka-cluster stays at 2.4.11, causing the inconsistency?


when I upgrade all the akka-xxx to 2.4.16 akka-http to 10.0.1
all is ok