software-mansion / react-native-screens

Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.

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enableFreeze can not prevent re-render caused by useIsFocused hook

sunhx-shx opened this issue · comments



there have two screen in my application, I press one item navigate to detail screen, when I get into detail screen, the last search screen re-rendered, I used the useIsFocused hook in search.jsx,
the react navigation doc show that using useIsFocused hook triggers a re-render for the screen when it changes focus, Is this the reason? This can show the enableFreeze can not freeze screen which called useIsFocused?

one two

Steps to reproduce

  1. set enableFreeze(true) in app.js
    2.Navigate to search screen.
    3.tap item to detail screen
    4.when get into detail screen, search screen re-render

Snack or a link to a repository

Screens version


React Native version




JavaScript runtime



Expo bare workflow


Paper (Old Architecture)

Build type

Debug mode


iOS simulator

Device model

iPhone 14 pro max



Hi @sunhx-shx, thank you for creating this issue!
Do you know if this issue still exists on the newest version of react-native-screens? Have you tried to install 3.29.0 version and create a custom development bundle (with npx expo prebuild)?

Also, could you create a repro with similar hierarchy of screens that you have (currently I cannot reproduce this issue, nothing re-renders for me 😕)


Hi @sunhx-shx, thank you for creating this issue! Do you know if this issue still exists on the newest version of react-native-screens? Have you tried to install 3.29.0 version and create a custom development bundle (with npx expo prebuild)?

Also, could you create a repro with similar hierarchy of screens that you have (currently I cannot reproduce this issue, nothing re-renders for me 😕)

@tboba hi thanks for the reply!
Sorry, I made a error in the description of second image above , it should be when i get into detail screen, the previous Search screen re-rendered.

I’ve tried on the newest version of react-native-screens, but the issue still exists.
I've reproduced the issue here:


@tboba Can you reproduce the issue?