softprops / lambda-rust

🐳 🦀 a dockerized lambda build env for rust applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm looking for version 1.49.0

kyledetella opened this issue · comments

1.49.0 was released on Dec 31.

I see #80 is still open, is it worth PRing the change?

I've had no respons from the maintainer.

Things have been pretty quiet, but that's understandable, life happens.

I have been hesitant to commit to maintaining a fork because I know I myself will not have the bandwidth to keep up and it becomes confusing since this repo is a canonical resource for rust + lambda. That said, I did fork this to unblock myself, so if you are in a pinch and need 1.49.0, you can use it.

In your serverless.yml:

    dockerImage: kyledetella/lambda-rust
    dockerTag: 0.4.0-rust-1.49.0

More generally, though, @softprops, would you consider allowing commit-access to a small group of contributors to help keep this project (as well as dynomite) going?