softchris / vamos-nitro

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What are the steps?

Scaffold a NestJS app

Generate something that adds a module to the NestJS app

  • Install Nest.js CLI
  • Generate an app
  • Add Azure module

Install CLI

To install the Nest.js CLI type

npm i -g @nestjs/cli

Generate an app

To generate an app we just type

nest new hello-world
cd hello-world

Turns Nest.js app into Azure Function app

nest add @nestjs/azure-func-http

This should give you an output like the following:

✔ Installation in progress... ☕
CREATE /.funcignore (66 bytes)
CREATE /host.json (23 bytes)
CREATE /local.settings.json (116 bytes)
CREATE /proxies.json (72 bytes)
CREATE /main/function.json (294 bytes)
CREATE /main/index.ts (287 bytes)
CREATE /main/sample.dat (23 bytes)
CREATE /src/ (321 bytes)
UPDATE /package.json (1827 bytes)

Your project has now turned into a Azure functions app

Ensure you have the following installed:

Now in VS Code locate the Azure tool icon to the left, and sign in to Azure

Next click the blue arrow icon to deploy

From here follow the prompts. Choose the directory that you currently have open, select your Azure subscription, and then choose Create New Function App.

  1. Type a globally unique name for your Function App and press Enter. Valid characters for a function app name are 'a-z', '0-9', and '-'.
  2. Choose Create New Resource Group, type a Resource Group name, like 'myResourceGroup' and press Enter.
  3. Choose a location in a region near you or near other services you may need to access.
  4. Choose Create New Storage Account, type a globally unique name of the new storage account used by your function app and press Enter. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may contain numbers and lowercase letters only.

It should look something like this when it's done deploying

Deploy an Angular app

Scaffold an app

ng new MyApp
cd Myapp

MyApp can be whatever name you choose

Upgrade to Angular 8+ if needed

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core


There are two steps here

  1. Generate config file
  2. Deploy to Azure

Generate config file

Pre step, run the following command

ng add @azure/ng-deploy

This will install @azure/ng-deploy from NPM

  1. it will prompt you to log in (unless you are already logged in to Azure via the terminal)
  2. t will bring up a dialog where you are asked to select a subscription (if you have more than one).

Then it will create the needed resources at Azure and ends with creating an azure.json file that contains all the needed config

Deploy to Azure

Just type the following command:

ng deploy

This will do the following:

  1. Compile the Angular project if dist folder is empty
  2. Upload files to Azure using the config found in azure.json

The step will finish with the public URL being displayed


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