soenkekluth / react-sticky-state

ReactStickyState makes native position:sticky statefull and polyfills the missing sticky browser feature

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Bug on Resize -> mis-calculated margin-bottom

joschka opened this issue · comments

Hi Sönke,

there seems to be a bug regarding the calculation of the margin-bottom of is-absolute elements on resize. The margin-bottom get's quite big, eg. 171097px and causes the page to become really long (whitespace at the end of the page)

How to reproduce:

  1. go to demo page using Chrome:
  2. scroll down until the first red "Fixed to viewport top A." element (#top-a) becomes "is-absolute".
  3. Inspect that "is-absolute" element and watch the margin-bottom inline style
  4. Resize the window
  5. Observe that the margin-bottom value increases with every resize event
  • Scrolling up again fixes the calculated value (the calculation onScroll seems to be ok)
  • the value is increased by a fixed value on every resize event

Would be great, if you can have a look. When I find time, I will do also.

ok i will look into it. thx

Looks like only React version of sticky-state library has this "resize bug". I did workaround by using non-React version of sticky-state. My component looks like this and not it works great :)

import React from "react";
import StickyState from "sticky-state";

const StickyExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  componentDidMount() {
    new StickyState(document.querySelectorAll(".element-i-want-to-be-sticky"));

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="element-i-want-to-be-sticky">
        Look I am sticky!

export default StickyExampleComponent;

@henrikra @joschka yes you are right. margin-top and bottom support is already implemented in the newsest version of sticky-state

I will soon port it to the react version!

@joschka @henrikra does it work now? close?

For me resizing works now on react version on sticky-state :)

@henrikra its hard to keep both libs up to date. I will make the core calculations an own module.

Very good idea!

everything should be fine with the new versions. (2.1.4)