sobolevn / unn-python-2022

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Submitting your homework

All homeworks must go to: homeworks/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/HOMEWORK_NUMBER. For example: homeworks/sobolevn/1. Then, put all homework related files there.

Make sure that your GitHub account has your real name set.

Submitting practices

All practices must go to: practice/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/NUMBER. For example: practice/sobolevn/1. Then, put all homework related files there.

NOTE: Please, before submitting your homework or practice, please check your code by wemake-python-styleguide tool

  • Installing wemake-python-styleguide:
pip install wemake-python-styleguide
  • Checking your code:
flake8 path/to/your/script

Try to minimize the output of this command, not only to write good code, but also to make it easier for reviewers to read and check 😊


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%