sobolevn / misspell-fixer-action

📝Automatically fixes typos and mistakes in your source code and docs!

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Respect the '.misspell-fixer.ignore' file

Lissy93 opened this issue · comments

Hiya @sobolevn
Awesome action - it is really useful, great work! :)

One problem that I am facing is that it doesn't seem to be using the .misspell-fixer.ignore, or maybe I have set it up incorrectly?

I basically just want to ignore my repos non-English translation files, so I created a .github/.misspell-fixer.ignore file, but it still submits PRs for those files. Is this because the ignore file is not supported by your action?

Hi @Lissy93!

You can use this trick:

  1. Check out your code with @checkout-action
  2. Use to specify arg and path to your .misspell-fixer.ignore

It should work for you! 👍
Please, reopen if there are any problems.