sobolevn / git-secret

:busts_in_silhouette: A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


kmkacpermajor opened this issue · comments

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Install git-secret through apt
  2. Pull git repository with different .gitsecret directory
  3. Try modifing SECRETS_DIR (with or without export)
  4. Use any git-secret command

What happens?

Error appears: .gitsecret does not exist. abort.

What were you expecting to happen?

Was expecting it to use set SECRETS_DIR env var

Any logs, error output, etc?

.gitsecret does not exist. abort.

What versions of software are you using?

Operating system: (uname -a)
Linux C11-0TSB9YF4WZN 4.4.0-22000-Microsoft #653-Microsoft Wed Apr 27 16:06:00 PST 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

git-secret path: (which git-secret)

git-secret version: (git secret --version)

git version: (git --version)
git version 2.25.1

Shell type and version: ($SHELL --version)
GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

gpg version: (gpg --version)
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.19
libgcrypt 1.8.5

Hi! The version you are using is quite outdated. Right now the last version is 0.5.0
Can you please update your version and check that the error is gone?

Error is gone, everything is working as expected. Thanks