soatis / Android-music-playlist-creator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the readme.

Database description

Name: Playlist table
Description: Contains list of all playlists
Table name: playlist_table
Table structure:

Column_name          type           options
-----------          ----           -------
_id                  integer        primary key,autoincrement
name                 text           not null
numsongs             integer        not null
songlisttablename    text           -

Name: Tracks table
Description: Contains list of all tracks
Table name: tracks_table
Table structure:

Column_name          type           options
-----------          ----           -------
_id                  integer        primary key,autoincrement
name                 text           not null
artist               text           -
energy               float          -
tempo                float          -
danceability         float          -
duration             float          -
songid               text           -



Language:Java 100.0%