soasme / nim-schedules

A Nim scheduler library that lets you kick off jobs at regular intervals.

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Error: ambiguous call; both scheduler.newSettings

d0rksh opened this issue · comments

hii when i try to use nim-schedules with jester it gives the below error


import times, asyncdispatch, schedules
import jester
scheduler mySched:
  every(seconds=1, id="sync tick"):
    echo("sync tick, seconds=1 ", now())
router myRouter:
   post "/api/deletedomain":
        resp "test"
proc main() =
  asyncCheck mySched.start()
  var jester = initJester(myrouter)

when isMainModule:


ambiguous call; both scheduler.newSettings(appName: string, errorHandler: proc (fut: Future[system.void]){.closure, gcsafe.}) [proc declared in /home/user/.nimble/pkgs/schedules-0.2.0/schedules/scheduler.nim(235, 6)] and jester.newSettings(port: Port, staticDir: string, appName: string, bindAddr: string, reusePort: bool, futureErrorHandler: proc (fut: Future[system.void]){.closure, gcsafe.}) [proc declared in /home/user/.nimble/pkgs/jester-0.5.0/jester.nim(407, 6)] match for: ()

i tried to use prologue but the mySched is never called, its not printing anything

Prologue code

import prologue
import httpclient
import schedules, times, asyncdispatch

scheduler mySched:
  every(seconds=5, id="sync tick"):
    echo("hello world", now())

proc  hello*(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"

proc main()=
  asyncCheck mySched.start()
  let app = newApp()
  app.get("/", hello)

when isMainModule:


DEBUG Prologue is serving at 
DEBUG Starting 12 threads

I think jester has introduced newSettings since the nim-schedules doc was written. Since scheduler mySched: implicitly requires newSettings from nim-schedules, not one from jester, nim compiler complains.

Re Prologue, I haven't used it. I'll test it out.


I've been fighting with something like this for hours, yesterday. The initial reason being that this example is garbage.


Lines 99 to 124 in ce1fe58

import times, asyncdispatch, schedules, jester
scheduler mySched:
every(seconds=1, id="sync tick"):
echo("sync tick, seconds=1 ", now())
router myRouter:
get "/":
resp "It's alive!"
proc main():
# start schedules
asyncCheck mySched.start()
# start jester
let port = paramStr(1).parseInt().Port
let settings = newSettings(port=port)
var jester = initJester(myrouter, settings=settings)
# run
when isMainModule:

Not even the syntax is correct; notice line 110.

So, after debugging jester for what seemed like forever, I found the magic line that makes schedules work, even when something else is running mainly:

  while true:
    stderr.writeLine "Master Thread"
    sleep 1_000
      asyncdispatch.poll(0) # Must be in a loop, every couple of seconds. Otherwise, scheduler won't work properly.
    except ValueError:

@d0rksh This will solve your issue with prologue.