snok / django-guid

Inject an ID into every log message from a Django request. ASGI compatible, integrates with Sentry, and works with Celery

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v4 planning

sondrelg opened this issue · comments

  • Make ID generator and validator generic, implement transformer (mirror asgi-correlation-id)
  • Split celery functionality into a separate package
  • Split sentry functionality into a separate package
  • Create extras for both
  • Update license
  • Update test project to handle Django deprecation warnings
  • Update to Poetry v1.2
  • Update classifiers
  • Rework docs (drop sphinx and just have readmes per module?)
  • Remove get_guid and set_guid
  • Create example projects for each feature

Essentially we want to de-bloat the core a little, making it possible to install the core middleware without anything else. It's possible to install the middleware today, without adding celery as a dependency, but the celery code is still contained in the wheel.

There's also some Sentry + Celery logic to consider @JonasKs. Do we put that in its own third package? Something to think about 🤔

How do you feel about the get_guid, set_guid helpers @JonasKs?

Get rid of them imo

asgi-correlation-id doesn't have a UUID_LENGTH package setting. Instead it's a filter option. Should we do that here as well?