snipsco / snips-nlu-parsers

Rust crate for entity parsing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

City or Country built-in parsers don't recognized

arcontechnologies opened this issue · comments


I'm new to this module and I saw in the doc all builtin parsers but some of them didn't work for me. In my example city or country is not recognized as such, Any insight ?

from snips_nlu_parsers import BuiltinEntityParser import json parser ="en") parsing = parser.parse("tomorrow I'll plan to visit Paris in France") print(json.dumps(parsing, indent=2))

the output is :

[ { "value": "tomorrow", "range": { "start": 0, "end": 8 }, "entity": { "kind": "InstantTime", "value": "2022-06-15 00:00:00 +02:00", "grain": "Day", "precision": "Exact" }, "alternatives": [], "entity_kind": "snips/date" } ]