sniklaus / youtube-watchmarker

a browser extension that keeps track of your YouTube watch history and marks videos that you have already watched

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Youtube synchronization stops at 198

SteegHobland opened this issue · comments

I have tried synchronizing with my Youtube watch history, and it stops at 198 videos every time. I've tried over and over, in case the behavior varies, but it seems pretty consistent so far. I'm not sure how many videos I have watched, but my browser history goes to 788, and I reinstalled that recently, so the actual number must be somewhat higher.

Could you try again with the newest version (4.2.0) of the extension? Thanks!

I tried it just now and it worked fine for me. It was broken previously.

Thanks for confirming, and thanks to @Yentis for fixing this!

Just tried it, and it's picking up 9305 watched videos now. Thanks for the fix!

seems like his broke again