sniklaus / youtube-watchmarker

a browser extension that keeps track of your YouTube watch history and marks videos that you have already watched

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"YouTube sync" issue: finished at start.

Almashina opened this issue · comments

Hi dear sniklaus , hi all!
"YouTube sync" finished almost at start (after 149 or 157 or smth like that entries) every time.
ff78.12.0esr, watchmarker 4.1.0 and 4.0.9 too , tried on win7x64 and win10x64 , all the same.
I really hope You can fix it even though the reason is on YouTube side, please :-)

It was just "YT history stop point" for my account I guess. That count of synced videos (149 at start) is growing according to my views, now it is about 1500.
This issue can be closed.