snakemake-workflows / docs

Documentation of the Snakemake-Workflows project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


johanneskoester opened this issue · comments

This is a place for general, project-related discussions.

What should be the order of the channels according to the bioconda-reccomended channel order.

Is this order correct in deseq2 wirkflow

  - bioconda
  - conda-forge
  - defaults

I would have inversed conda-forge and bioconda.

Do you have any example with click integration and or circleci?

I would like to know if my project corresponds to the recommendations.

Yes, reversing is right.

For testing the workflows here, we use travis ci so far.

Hi, I was wondering if the list of curated and reviewed pipelines on the docs page is up to date? Also was wondering how to tell which workflows in the repo are reviewed and which are under development? Might be good to have a tag or similar for this to make it clear which repos are which status unless I missed it :)

I am hoping to cite this project in a review I am writing on workflow managers and was also wondering if there are plans to enable citations of pipelines with Zenodo or similar for easier citations in literature? Also can just cite the github URL if need be 👍 Thanks!