snakemake-workflows / dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling

This Snakemake pipeline implements the GATK best-practices workflow

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error with common.smk

anjanaanilkumar1289 opened this issue · comments

I am getting error from line 10 in

line 10 samples = pd.read_table(config["samples"]).set_index("sample", drop=False)

TypeError: string indices must be integers

Can you please help me to fix the error.

Can you show me your config file? Did you change anything in either the Snakefile or any of the files ending with .smk?

I cannot see the config (I guess email attachments are not included here). Maybe you can just post it inside a comment?

Ok, can you also post the full stack trace of the error?

You have to look into the log file. Did you run the pipeline with --use-conda?

That's the issue. You need --use-conda, in order to tell Snakemake to deploy the required software before running the workflow. Otherwise, you need to install all required tools manually. I strongly discourage the latter because it defeats reproducibility.

-j just tells Snakemake to use as many cores as possible, which is unrelated to the software deployment.

Ok, I am therefore closing this for now.