snailbob / CodeIgniter-Nexmo-Message

Class Nexmo Message handles the methods and properties of sending an SMS message.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is Nexmo?

Nexmo is a cloud based SMS API that lets you send and receive high volume of messages at wholesale rates. Web Site:

How It Works?

Please vist


  • CodeIgniter 2.0.0+
  • PHP 5.2.0+
  • PHP extension: openssl, pcre, json, xml, curl


You can install via

$ php tools/spark install -v1.0.3 Nexmo-SMS-Message

or referrer the following steps.

Copy files to your applicaiotn folder

$ cp config/nexmo.php application/config/
$ cp libries/nexmo.php application/libries/
$ cp controller/nexmo.php application/controller/

Open config/nexmo.php and put your api key and secret

$config['api_key'] = 'xxxxxx';
$config['api_secret'] = 'xxxxxx';

Open controller/nexmo.php and modified the following changes for sending message

$from = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$to = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$message = array(
    'text' => 'test message'

Open browser and load the following URL


Change Log

Please vist API documentation first

Date: 2013-01-23 (Developer API)

  • Account: Top-up
  • Number: Update
  • Search: Message
  • Search: Messages
  • Search: Rejections

Date: 2011-11-19 (Developer API)

  • Account: Get Balance
  • Account: Get Pricing
  • Account: Settings
  • Account: Numbers
  • Number: Search
  • Number: Buy
  • Number: Cancel

Date: 2011-10-07 (Messaging References)

  • Send a Message
  • Send Binary Message
  • Send WAP Push Message


Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Bo-Yi Wu ( appleboy AT )


Class Nexmo Message handles the methods and properties of sending an SMS message.