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EventListener doesn't support argument passing

tobymao opened this issue · comments

The documentation claims to support eventHandlers with argument passing

function clickHandler(number) {

  console.log("button " + number + " was clicked!");


h("div", [

  h("a", { on: { click: [clickHandler, 1] } }),


But trying this in my app and looking at the code, it doesn't work. InvokeHandler doesn't have a special case to ever call the handler with the 2nd argument of a list and there are no unit tests for this so I'm wondering if the documentation is out of date or if this is a bug?

Yes, this is outdated documentation, sorry. You could easily emulate this with a curried function:

function makeClickHandler(number) {
  return function handler(event) {
    console.log("button " + number + " was clicked");

h("div", [

  h("a", { on: { click: makeClickHandler(1) } }),


A PR to fix the documentation would be very welcome :)