snabbdom / snabbdom

A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.

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Some thoughts (low priority)

kuraga opened this issue · comments

Good day!

I have some thoughts not discovered in the issues/PRs. Nobody needs to react, just thoughts.

  1. Snabbdom is written in TypeScript. So, we should describe / put an example in TypeScript. BTW, I don't know the standard way? Maybe move one of our examples to it.

  2. As @nilslindemann noticed in #1088 , we could describe / put an example of a totally cooked project. Bundled with Rollup, Webpack? Maybe move one of our examples to it.

  3. As I noticed in #1088 , we don't have the ## Installation section in (A simple one.)

  4. Did we consider which files we store in the NPM package? To store/not to store the source, the tests, etc.

  5. According the changelog is automatically contented de-facto, we should think more about commit messages and PR titles.

  6. looks not full.

  7. and will be outdated soon.

  8. Are all devDependencies needed? And: some of them is strictly fixed (without neither ^ nor ~), why?

  9. We have npm run build which builds everything. But maybe we would extract npm run build-examples, etc.

  10. Finish to label issues/PRs :).

  11. #1017.

  12. Add Snabbdom to

  13. There are many of any type usages.


I would like to repeat/extend/add to these points by @kuraga, what especially interests me to be added to the snabbdom docs:

  • How to get the examples locally running (see my linked PR).
  • What may some error messages mean, when running the tests (E.g. the missing CHROME_VERSION env var error).
  • A simple workflow how to make a website, using snabbdom as a dependency (e.g. using Parcel1/webpack/rollup).
  • Maybe a Deno workflow.

I promise a German translation of the final docs.

1 Here a working example for Parcel. Feel free to use it in the docs:

npm init -y
npm install --save-dev parcel
npm install snabbdom

Create a src/index.html:

<!doctype html>
        <title>Snabbdom + Parcel Example</title>
        <script type="module" src="logic.ts"></script>
        <h1 id="heading">Unpatched</h1>

Create a src/logic.ts (inspired by the example in the README):

import {
} from "snabbdom";

const patch = init([
    // Init patch function with chosen modules
    classModule, // makes it easy to toggle classes
    propsModule, // for setting properties on DOM elements
    styleModule, // handles styling on elements with support for animations
    eventListenersModule, // attaches event listeners

const replaceWithLinks = () => {
    console.log("Becoming links");
    patch(greeting, link);

const replaceWithGreeting = () => {
    console.log("Becoming a greeting");
    patch(link, greeting);

const greeting = h("h1#heading.greeting", { on: { click: replaceWithLinks } }, [
    h("span", { style: { color: "blue" } }, "Hello World!"),
    " (click me)",

const link = h("", { on: { click: replaceWithGreeting } }, [
    "Brought to you by ",
    h("a", { props: { href: "" } }, "snabbdom"),
    " and ",
    h("a", { props: { href: "" } }, "Parcel"),
    " (click me again)",

const heading = document.getElementById("heading"); if (!heading) {throw "I need a h1#heading"};

patch(heading, greeting);

Start the parcel dev server:

npx parcel src/index.html

@kuraga should submit a PR adding Snabbdom to the test suite at :D