smstuebe / xamarin-fingerprint

Xamarin and MvvMCross plugin for authenticate a user via fingerprint sensor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

On Android is Xamarin.AndroidX.Biometric required?

fdhsdrdark opened this issue · comments

Not an issue, a question actually.

I see in the samples on the Android project a reference on the nuget package Xamarin.AndroidX.Biometric.
I just installed Plugin.Fingerprint and everything seems pretty good without it.
Is it required for any reason I am missing?

Thanks very much.

Hi @nikossaperas,

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If you have installed the Plugin.Fingerprint package, nuget will usually automatically install Xamarin.AndroidX.Biometric. You don't need to explicitly install it.

Indeed, it is installed automatically along with the Plugin.Fingerprint installation - I get the confirmation dialog about it.
However, strangely enough, I do not see it on the References list.
Anyhow, thanks very much for getting back on this!

@nikossaperas Dependencies are not diplayed on top level anymore. It's a tree view now. If you have a look at the Plugin.Fingerprint in the reference view, you should be able to open the node by clicking an arrow and you see the sub dependencies. such arrow on my references view - however, there is an update for my visual studio..
@smstuebe Thanks!