smol-rs / async-broadcast

Async broadcast channels

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Can't get use new receiver if channel was closed.

BratSinot opened this issue · comments


From crate readme: "When all Senders or all Receivers are dropped, the channel becomes closed. When a channel is closed, no more messages can be sent, but remaining messages can still be received".

But channel become closed when all receivers are gone:

async fn main() {
    let (tx, rx) = async_broadcast::broadcast(10);

    println!("{:?}", tx.broadcast("FOO".to_owned()).await); // Err
    let mut rx = tx.new_receiver();
    println!("{:?}", tx.broadcast("FOO".to_owned()).await); // Err
    println!("{:?}", rx.recv().await); // Err

was expected:

    println!("{:?}", tx.broadcast("FOO".to_owned()).await); // Err
    let mut rx = tx.new_receiver();
    println!("{:?}", tx.broadcast("FOO".to_owned()).await); // Ok
    println!("{:?}", rx.recv().await); // Ok

It is a bug? If it not, any way to change behaviour?

"When all Senders or all Receivers are dropped..."

I believe that this is the intended behavior.

"When all Senders or all Receivers are dropped..."

Ow, missed that part.
And no way to change it? I search replacement for tokio::sync::broadcast because of lagging.

"When all Senders or all Receivers are dropped..."

Ow, missed that part. And no way to change it? I search replacement for tokio::sync::broadcast because of lagging.

Yeah, I can store inactive receiver, but in that case Sender::broadcast will be waiting.

Yeah, I can store inactive receiver, but in that case Sender::broadcast will be waiting.

If it's not desired for sender to wait for an active receiver before sending anything, that means you want the channel to be leaky while there are no active receiver. So what you can do is to keep an inactive receiver to keep the channel open and enable overflow mode while there are no active receivers and when you create an active receiver, you turn it back off just before creating the active receiver.

So what you can do is to keep an inactive receiver to keep the channel open and enable overflow mode while there are no active receivers and when you create an active receiver, you turn it back off just before creating the active receiver.

Thanks for the tip!

So what you can do is to keep an inactive receiver to keep the channel open and enable overflow mode while there are no active receivers and when you create an active receiver, you turn it back off just before creating the active receiver.

Okey, setting overflow mode do nothing:

    let (tx, rx) = async_broadcast::broadcast(10);
    let mut inactive_rx = rx.deactivate();

    println!("{:?}", tx.broadcast("FOO".to_owned()).await); // still hangs here

Okey, setting overflow mode do nothing:

Try an explicit drop(rx)?

Also, is there really a usecase for broadcast to not wait for receivers? Why broadcast if you've nobody to receive the message?

Try an explicit drop(rx)?

deactivate move Receiver: pub fn deactivate(self) -> InactiveReceiver<T> {.

Also, is there really a usecase for broadcast to not wait for receivers? Why broadcast if you've nobody to receive the message?

pub-sub in HTTP long-pooling.

Try an explicit drop(rx)?

deactivate move Receiver: pub fn deactivate(self) -> InactiveReceiver<T> {.

Right, sorry and even if that was not the case, I looked at the code and realized that broadcast will wait for active receivers.

Also, is there really a usecase for broadcast to not wait for receivers? Why broadcast if you've nobody to receive the message?

pub-sub in HTTP long-pooling.

That's way too vague for me, sorry. :) You'll have to be a bit more specific. You can always use "try_broadcast" if you want more control over the broadcasting.

That's way too vague for me, sorry. :)

In common words I need late subscriber.

You can always use "try_broadcast" if you want more control over the broadcasting.

Yeah, for now I use something like this:

    async fn ignore_inactive_broadcast(&self, msg: Self::Message) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        match self.try_broadcast(msg) {
            Ok(None) => Ok(()),
            Ok(Some(msg)) | Err(TrySendError::Full(msg)) | Err(TrySendError::Inactive(msg)) => {
                match self.broadcast(msg).await {
                    Ok(None) => Ok(()),
                    Err(err) => Err(err),
                    Ok(Some(_msg)) => unreachable!("broadcast overflow mode was enabled"),
            Err(TrySendError::Closed(msg)) => Err(SendError(msg)),

That's way too vague for me, sorry. :)

In common words I need late subscriber.

Still not clear enough what exactly is the use case. I also need late subscribers in zbus project and was the whole reason I added the concept of inactive receivers but I actually want broadcast to wait for active receivers instead of continuing to push messages. I really don't see the use case for broadcasting wasting CPU for doing useless work. Hence why I'm asking you to explain.

If your use case requires this, I guess you're ok with broadcast wasting CPU but then you can keep an active receiver around and have it continuously receive in a task, where it just receivers for the sake of keeping the channel open and active at all times?

instead of continuing to push messages

In my case I skip message if there is no active receiver =)

@BratSinot I thought more about this and came up with a usecase. I created #35 for this specific requirement.