smoak / hubot-jabbr

Jabbr adapter for Hubot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hubot can send message, but cannot receive anything

gyurisc opened this issue · comments

I installed hubot and jabbr on my windows 7 machine and tried to connect hubot to jabbr using hubot-jabbr.

Hubot were able to authenticate and send messages, but did not receive any messages from jabbr.

After experimenting a lot, finally figured out that changing the transport from server sent events to longPolling solved my problem.

I am not sure why this is happening, but maybe it would be nice to mention this in the documentation or change the default transport to longPolling or just capture the issue and the workaround here.

Ill get this changed and release a new version. Thanks.

New version (v0.4.0) defaults to longPolling until I can figure out why server sent events aren't working.