smjonas / live-command.nvim

Easily create previewable commands in Neovim.

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Installation with Plug ?

edi9999 opened this issue · comments

I'm still using

Do you know how to install live-command.nvim with that ?

It would be great having this info in the README. I think it is using packer.nvim in your installation instructions but I'm not sure about that.

You should be able to install it as follows from your init.vim:

Plug 'smjonas/live-command.nvim'
lua << EOF
require("live-command").setup {
  -- ... put your commands here (see readme)

Notice that I called the setup function directly from Vimscript. Alternatively, you can also call it from a separate Lua file (e.g. with a init.lua).

Can you add this exact command to your readme for other users ?

I really like this plugin !

Yes I could do that :) Glad you like the plugin!