smithy-lang / smithy-rs

Code generation for the AWS SDK for Rust, as well as server and generic smithy client generation.

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Don't implement `Display` for `@sensitive` string shapes and don't `#[derive(Debug)]`

david-perez opened this issue · comments

We currently newtype constrained string shapes. When they are marked as @sensitive:

@length(min: 1, max: 69)
string Password

We also implement Display:

impl ::std::fmt::Display for SchemaJson {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        "*** Sensitive Data Redacted ***".fmt(f)

and derive Debug:

    ::std::clone::Clone, ::std::cmp::Eq, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::fmt::Debug, ::std::hash::Hash,
pub struct Password(pub(crate) ::std::string::String);
  • Don't implement Display. Implementing Display is footgunny. If you have a fn save_password_to_database(password: String), calling save_password_to_database(password.to_string()) seems like would make sense, but would cause permanent data loss. Users should instead use the generated password.into_inner(), so it's better to point them in that direction by avoiding implementing Display.

  • Don't #[derive(Debug)]. While Debug should format in a programmer-facing debugging context, debugging with the redaction should suffice.

    • Note that this is consistent with how Debug is implemented throughout smithy-rs e.g. the Debug implementation for a structure shape that has member shapes that target @sensitive string shapes will print the struct with redactions for the @sensitive strings.
    • We can feature-gate a "truly unredacted" debugging experience, like we already do with; see RFC: Logging in the Presence of Sensitive Data.

This issue is related (but separate) to #1883, which is concerned about whether a @sensitive un constrained string shape should be newtyped or not.