xavibenjamin / smithtimmytim.com

My personal site, portfolio, and blog. Built with Eleventy.

Home Page:https://smithtimmytim.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal site, portfolio, and blog. Built with Eleventy.

Netlify Status

Local Dev

You'll want to run the following commands in your terminal:

# First, clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:smithtimmytim/smithtimmytim.com.git

# Move into the project
cd smithtimmytim.com

# Install the dependencies
npm install

# Start the server
npm start


My personal site, portfolio, and blog. Built with Eleventy.



Language:SCSS 45.4%Language:HTML 38.3%Language:JavaScript 13.9%Language:CSS 2.3%