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MultiChannelCommandEncapsulation report for :switch_binary_get

jasonmj opened this issue · comments

With a multi-channel switch, it is possible to set switch binary values for specific endpoints with:

Grizzly.send_command(10, :multi_channel_command_encapsulation,
      destination_end_point: 2,
      command_class: :switch_binary,
      command: :switch_binary_set,
      parameters: [target_value: :on, duration: 0]

However, attempts to retrieve the current value with :switch_binary_get do not provide any indication of that value in command report:

iex(app@hellohome.local)34> Grizzly.send_command(10, :multi_channel_command_encapsulation,
...(app@hellohome.local)34> destination_end_point: 2,
...(app@hellohome.local)34> command_class: :switch_binary,
...(app@hellohome.local)34> command: :switch_binary_get,
...(app@hellohome.local)34> parameters: []
...(app@hellohome.local)34> )
   command: nil,
   command_ref: #Reference<0.4143522728.269221889.20551>,
   node_id: 10,
   queued: false,
   queued_delay: 0,
   status: :complete,
   transmission_stats: [],
   type: :ack_response

When using SwitchBinary.get/1 to retrieve the current value of the switch, it is only possible to get the on/off status of all switching in the multi-level switch (either all are off or at least one is on).

I have a few multi-channel switches that I would like to use with Grizzly, but I'm struggling with this issue. Any insights would be much appreciated.

Aha! After a little digging into the code, I found :multi_channel_get_command_encapsulation, which is very similar to :multi_channel_command_encapsulation except instead of using the AckResponse handler, it uses WaitReport. This solved my problem.