smartcontractkit / external-initiator

Initiate Chainlink job runs from external sources

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failed to start chainlink container in integration test

yutongp opened this issue · comments

i have ran ./integration/setup without issue.
But when i ran ./integration/run_test, the integration_chainlink container kept restarting.
Here is the log from that container:

2020-09-15T00:10:35Z [INFO]  API exposed for user          cmd/local_client.go:95
2020-09-15T00:10:35Z [DEBUG] eth.Client#Dial(...)                               eth/client.go:110
error starting app: dial tcp connect: connection refused

i didn't change the integration/chainlink.env file under integration which has ETH_DISABLED=true

Thanks, @yutongp!

You are correct, this got broken in Chainlink node 0.8.13 release.

We are working on a fix, but until then you can fix the version to 0.8.12 in the Dockerfile to avoid the issue and make the integration tests run.

@krebernisak Thank you! Will switch to 0.8.12 for now

@yutongp should be fixed by smartcontractkit/chainlink#3382, which should be included in a 0.8.16 release later today.

At that point, we can switch back to smartcontract/chainlink:latest.

Closing this issue as 0.8.16 is now released, and I confirmed that the bug is fixed.