smartcontractkit / external-adapters-js

Monorepo containing JavaScript implementation of external adapters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Verify EVM Chain ID

boxhock opened this issue · comments

We have some EAs that reads on-chain data using the JSON-RPC API. We use Ethers for this. The RPC URL is defined with env var as RPC_URL.
Some EAs support multiple networks. In those cases, the RPC URL is defined as [network]_RPC_URL.

For all EAs that use Ethers to call a JSON-RPC API, add verification of the chain ID. With ethers, this is done by adding the chain ID in the initialization of the JSON-RPC provider, e.g.:

new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl)
// becomes...
new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl, chainId)

To support this, we should add new env vars:

  • CHAIN_ID for EAs that only support a single network
  • [network]_CHAIN_ID for EAs that support multiple networks

The default for CHAIN_ID should be 1, unless the EA is specifically intended for a different chain.

This would likely require a major version bump for the affected EAs, as if a node op is using the EA for a chain that isn't Ethereum mainnet, all requests would fail until re-configured with the correct chain ID.