smartcontractkit / external-adapters-js

Monorepo containing JavaScript implementation of external adapters

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Change from Express to a more performant HTTP server dependency

justinkaseman opened this issue · comments


In our EA guild we pinpointed a couple areas where External Adapters could be more performant.
One of these areas is the HTTP server package used to run the EA's API server.
Express is a good choice for its feature richness and high adoption, but our EAs have a very simple API.
We should investigate leveraging a more performance focused package.

A strong candidate is Fastify, which shows a ~4.5x increase in requests per second in profiling, and shares a similar interface as Express.
Other options are open for discussion.

An initial spike was carried out in this Pull Request:

The work for this ticket can either built on top of that branch (it will need to be re-based at it has gone stale) or repeated in a new branch, as there are not many changes to be made.

The express rate limit code is okay to remove.

Completion of this ticket should include:

  1. Thought into what edge cases or downsides there may be to moving to a new HTTP server dependency
  2. Care given to manual acceptance testing of an adapter to ensure that no breaking changes are introduced