smartcontractkit / chainlink-polkadot

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This repository contains the Chainlink feed pallet as well as an example node showing how to integrate it in Substrate-based chains.

It also includes the pallet-chainlink for interacting with the Chainlink job-based oracle system.

How to integrate the Chainlink feed pallet into a runtime?

The pallet is added to the runtime like any regular pallet (see tutorial). It then needs to be configured. See the pallet readme for details.

The usage is simple:

let feed = T::Oracle::feed(0.into()).ok_or(Error::<T>::FeedMissing)?;
let RoundData { answer, .. } = feed.latest_data();

See the template pallet for a full example showing how to access a price feed.

Run the example

substrate-node-example demonstrates how to use pallet-chainlink-feed end-to-end. To test:

  • start the chain using make run-temp (for a temporary node which cleans up after itself)
  • connect to the chain by pointing (or a locally hosted version) to the local dev node
  • specify the types by copying substrate-node-example/types.json into the input at Settings > Developer

You are now ready to send extrinsics to the pallet.




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