smallrye / smallrye-common

Common utilities for SmallRye

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Java 11 is not set

jponge opened this issue · comments

The project now uses Java 11 it seems, but:

  • the compiler plugin is not set to release 11, and
  • the import sort plugin is not set to Java 11 as well, causing errors on

This can be fixed in project as in:

    <!-- Overridden from Smallrye build parent for support -->

But perhaps that shall be set in smallrye-build-parent, unless not all SmallRye projects shall have moved to Java 11, @radcortez WDYT?

Also see #147 for JPMS puzzlers.

Shouldn't the java11 as base be only used in a specific "branch"/"profile". What about projects that, unfortunately, must stay on java 8 for a bit longeR?

Perhaps this and #147 shall be closed, with the project being built/tested on Java 11 but remaining 8 compliant.

But perhaps that shall be set in smallrye-build-parent, unless not all SmallRye projects shall have moved to Java 11, @radcortez WDYT?

The plan is to move everything to 11 with the jakarta rename.

Shouldn't the java11 as base be only used in a specific "branch"/"profile". What about projects that, unfortunately, must stay on java 8 for a bit longeR?

Which projects are you thinking of that need to remain on 8?

Perhaps this and #147 shall be closed, with the project being built/tested on Java 11 but remaining 8 compliant.

Will it work if we drop the JDK 8 builds and use JDK 11 with source and target 8? Or do you need release 11 to make module-info work properly?

A "correct" module descriptor could be:

module io.smallrye.common.annotation {
    requires static jakarta.enterprise.cdi.api;
    requires static jakarta.inject.api;
    exports io.smallrye.common.annotation;

(note that the jakarta modules export javax.enterprise types...) /cc @dmlloyd

Now 8 vs 11 depends on how you get that module-info.class into your artefact.

  • The Maven compiler plugin can compile from source and do some checks when on 11
  • Otherwise you need Moditect (which we've used) or David's plugin (I haven't tested)

If it works to use 11 to build on 8 and the module-info is correct , I'm ok with that.

I don't know if the compiler Maven plugin will be happy compiling a with a target platform of 8

That is why I was asking :)

This was fixed with 3331f3f I think. At least the <release> part, and the JPMS bits were fixed as well with #155; can this be closed or is there still an import sorting problem?

LGTM thanks for your efforts @dmlloyd

I'll do a Mutiny release once we have a new smallrye-common release to align the module references.