smallrye / jandex

Java Annotation Indexer

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Jandex fails when indexing a Kotlin-generated class with certain type annotation

Ladicek opened this issue · comments

When indexing a Kotlin-compiled class that includes the following method:

fun foo(bar: List<List<@Valid String>>) {

Jandex fails with the following exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a parameterized type!
	at org.jboss.jandex.Type.asParameterizedType(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.resolveTypePath(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.resolveTypePath(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.resolveTypeAnnotation(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.resolveTypeAnnotations(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.indexWithSummary(
	at org.jboss.jandex.Indexer.index(

Originally reported at quarkusio/quarkus#29376

Copy of my investigation in the original issue:

Okay so this one is interesting. The method

fun foo(bar: List<List<@Valid String>>) {

is compiled to a JVM method with the following Signature attribute:


In Java syntax, this corresponds to

public final void foo(List<? extends List<@Valid String>> bar) {

The type annotation is compiled down to this:

      0: #15(): METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER, param_index=0, location=[TYPE_ARGUMENT(0), TYPE_ARGUMENT(0)]

So the annotation is correctly attributed to the 1st (or 0th if you wish) parameter of the method, but the type annotation path is wrong.

The type annotation path is basically:

  1. take the type of the 0th parameter, it must be a parameterized type, and take the 0th type argument
  2. take the previously obtained type, it must be a parameterized type, and take the 0th type argument

The 2nd step fails -- because the type obtained in step 1 is a wildcard type, not a parameterized type. Remember that the type is effectively List<? extends List<@Valid String>>.

For the Java snippet above, javac emits the annotation like this:

      0: #38(): METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER, param_index=0, location=[TYPE_ARGUMENT(0), WILDCARD, TYPE_ARGUMENT(0)]

Where the type annotation path is basically:

  1. take the type of the 0th parameter, it must be a parameterized type, and take the 0th type argument
  2. take the previously obtained type, it must be a wildcard type which is an argument of a parameterized type, and take its bound
  3. take the previously obtained type, it must be a parameterized type, and take the 0th type argument

That navigates to the String type correctly.

I agree Jandex shouldn't fail like this, but it can't be denied that the Kotlin compiler emits internally inconsistent bytecode. My opinion is that Jandex should just skip this type annotation.